Friday 13 January 2012

Final shot list

1. Film her walking up the stairs with a low angle shot 
   Close up of her legs walking up the stairs
   Long shot of her walking up the stairs
2. Mid shot of her walking into the room (filmed from the side).
3. Close ups of her setting up the gun.
4. Shots of car driving
5. Close ups of her setting up the gun.
6. Shots of Ted in the car.
7. Shot of Ted in walking out of the car. And making a phone call.
8. Shot of her waling to the window.
9. Point of view shot from her to Ted.
10. Shot of them breaking down the door.
11. She is turning around
12. Shot of them holding the gun.
15. Shot of her holding the gun like this

14. Close up of their eyes
15. Close up of her eyes
Black out + Title

New Changes In Our Opening Sequence

We decided to change our thriller (again) because of technical problems such (e.g. not being able to film in an airport). We are now filming the entire opening sequence in Cornhill instead than in a Hotel. It no longer has anything to do with the Olympics games but instead of that she is going to try to kill someone important (probably from the government).
There is no longer a radio involved in the scene. We changed her clothing to a blouse, black fitted trousers, black high-heels and a fur coat. The important politician will arrive in a Range Rover (we will film this using Go-pros). We chose as an actor to interpret this politician Ted Jackson.
There is also an important feature in our opening sequence that appeals to a large audience: a girl with a gun, similar to Jackie Brown.