Wednesday 30 November 2011

Changes of the opening sequence

  1. Outside an airport during the day. The woman comes out of the airport and walks along the road.
  2.  Crosscutting inside the room during the evening where she is setting up the gun and turning on the radio; something about the 2012 Olympics is being said on the radio
  3. Crosscutting to her walking along the air port.
  4. Crosscutting to her in the room taking an aim outside the window. A man enters the room holding a gun.
  5. Reaction shot of the woman seeing him she turns pointing her gun at him.
  6. Blackout. We hear a gun shot.
In our first ending, the woman looked people outside and stopped at one person, which we could see through the viewer of the gun. Than there was a black out and you just heard the shot.
Now we changed it. The woman is still looking at people outside with her gun, but than someone nocks on her door harshly. She turns around and when she sees him you have a reaction shot of her face. They both point there guns at each other. There is a blackout and you hear a gun shot but you don't know who got shot.
We decided to do this because we wanted more action in our opening sequence. And we thought it would add sum suspense to the opening sequence. We also didn't know how to film it in the Olympics, because there was no way for us to get access to the Olympics. 

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Power Point On: Sound, Camera and Mise En Scene

Mise en Scene, Camera, Sound[1]

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Mise-en-scene of my thriller opening sequence

The woman is wearing a big dark blue hat with a white ribbon around it

She is also wearing a dark blue tailleur and high-heels

 She will also be wearing big sunglasses and red lipstick.
By choosing to have her in this costume we wanted to show that she is feminine and sexy even if she is a professional killer to subvert the audience’s expectations of powerful women being butch. We want her to look powerful and dangerous.

For props we will use a long distance gun

And a radio

The opening sequence will be set in an airport and in a room. We will use ambient lighting for the airport and dark lighting for the room

Friday 18 November 2011

Narrative theory

The Narrative Theory

Prop found that in every film there are always seven different types of characters :

A Hero
A Villain
A Donor
A Helper
A Princess
A False Hero

Todorov found that every film passed through five different stages.

1. Equilibrium
2. Disruption
3. Acknowledgement of the disruption
4. Resolution
5. New equilibrium

Prop's theory applied to the Dark Night

A Hero: Bat Man
A Villain: the Joker
A Donor: Luscious Fox
A Helper: Alfred
A Dispatcher: Commissioner Gordon
A Princess: Rachel Dawes
A False Hero: Harvey two face

Todorov’s theory applied to Jaws

1. Equilibrium: Everybody’s happy at the beach
2. Disruption: The shark arrives
3. Acknowledgement of the disruption: They notice that the shark is there
4. Resolution: They kill the Shark
5. New equilibrium: Everybody is once again happy on the beach

A Dispatcher

Wednesday 16 November 2011

My new thriller idea

My New Thriller Idea

We chose to make her a terrorist because it rely fit in the thriller genre and terrorists are a contemporary problem.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Powerpoint evaluation of a opening sequence
