Friday 18 November 2011

Narrative theory

The Narrative Theory

Prop found that in every film there are always seven different types of characters :

A Hero
A Villain
A Donor
A Helper
A Princess
A False Hero

Todorov found that every film passed through five different stages.

1. Equilibrium
2. Disruption
3. Acknowledgement of the disruption
4. Resolution
5. New equilibrium

Prop's theory applied to the Dark Night

A Hero: Bat Man
A Villain: the Joker
A Donor: Luscious Fox
A Helper: Alfred
A Dispatcher: Commissioner Gordon
A Princess: Rachel Dawes
A False Hero: Harvey two face

Todorov’s theory applied to Jaws

1. Equilibrium: Everybody’s happy at the beach
2. Disruption: The shark arrives
3. Acknowledgement of the disruption: They notice that the shark is there
4. Resolution: They kill the Shark
5. New equilibrium: Everybody is once again happy on the beach

A Dispatcher

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