Tuesday 18 October 2011

What are the generic conventions of a Thriller?

What are the generic conventions of a Thriller?

• Protagonist at the mercy of the antagonist
• Cheap surprise: an easy shock caused by an unexpected sound/action/movement
• False ending: It appears the case is solved but actually it isn’t
• Theatre of the mind: Foces the audience to imagine some things that aren’t shown in the film

What themes and content might be present in a thriller, give examples from thrillers you have watched

There are many different themes that can be used in thrillers such as:
• Psychological thrillers: where the conflict between the main characters is emotional and mental rather then physical. It generally ends violently. E.g. Shutter Island by Martin Scorsese

• Political thrillers: where the hero must ensure the stability of the government that employs him. E.g. Seven Days by Fletcher Knebel
• Legal thrillers: where the hero is a lawyer and is in danger with loosing his case and his life due to enemies in the courtroom and outside the courtroom. E.g. The Pelican Brief by John Grisham

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