Tuesday 18 October 2011

Why do people like thrillers? What target audience do thrillers attract?

Why do people like thrillers?

We enjoy thrillers because of an attitude generated by the modern western world that makes us identify ourselves in the victims. We don’t only empathise with the victims. We often also feel empathy for the antagonist. Our attitude and mentality has evolved through time and so has the genre.

What target audience do thrillers attract?


This thriller is targeting a young audience. This shown by the fact that the two first characters we see are teenagers. It plays with a fear that can be common in young people, the fear of being alone. Also the language used in the film isn’t very complex.

The Shining

This Thriller’s target audience is older than the one for scream. This is shown by the fact that in the opening scene there is no dialogue, this forces the audience to imagine and fink about where the car is going

The target audience to a thriller varies according to the sub genre; a horror thriller’s target audience (16-20) is younger than a psychological thriller’s target audience (20-40)

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