Wednesday 26 September 2012

Analysing Caro Emerald’s album cover Deleted scenes from the cutting room

Expression: She is looking intensively to the side, signifying that she takes her music very seriously and that she really cares about it. Her look could also be interpreted as a femme fatale stair, dangerously sexy. We also connote by her posture and facial expression that she is a sophisticated and elegant woman.

Setting: she is sitting against a red background the only colours are black and red. This crates a retro image as it references to old-fashioned black and white photographs but done in a more modern way as she chose to use red instead of white. This signifies that her music will be slightly retro but with a hint of modern in it.

Costume: She is wearing a plain black low cut long-sleeved dress with tights. We can connote from this that the record company is making her look sexy (the low cut dress puts in evidence her cleavage) but not overly so as she is wearing tights. In other words she is looking elegantly sexy. She has a flower in her hair long curly hair signifying that she is not only an elegant woman but that she is also playful and fun. She has smoky eyes, which help enhance her sexy side.

Font: The album name is much bigger than the artist’s name as she is not yet famous enough to have her name sell her music. The album name is in simple and capital lettered showing that she is a real artist only interested in her music. Her first name is written using a cursive font signifying that she is a real person not just an artist.

Props: She only has a chair that she is sitting on signifying that there is nothing between her and her music. She is not a constructed synthetic artist she is an organic artist. 

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Analysing the cover of the album the fall by Norah Jones

Expression: she is smiling and is looking up. She has a very serine expression about her and, the fact that she is looking up creates a slightly sexy look reinforced by her lip gloss. She has a knowing expression which hints a slight playfulness.  
Setting: There is a dominance of pastel colours. The background is a printed wall paper depicting trees, the sky and some hills. The floor is covered by an old fashioned floral carpet. This gives the scene a retro style signifying that her music is timeless and therefore will never go out of fashion. This setting also reinforces her image as a country singer.
Lighting: There is a strong lighting on her which immediately draws attention to her and showing that she is the one in the spotlight.
Costume: She is wearing a white wedding dress that she contrasts with a top hat. This subverts our expectations as we generally expect to see someone wearing a veil with a wedding dress. By doing this she is giving her self a more edgy look. The contrast between the white of her dress and the black top hat signifies that she was once sweet and nice but that she has now changed and become more dangerous and seductive. She has very short hair and natural make up this emphasises the retro look of the album.
Font: Her name is much bigger then the album’s name as she is already a well known artist and there fore it is easer to sell the album with her name being bigger. The font is very ‘wobbly’ and uneven. This makes it seem that it was hand written giving her a more authentic and organic look.
Props: She is with a very big dog. She is subverting the idea of there being a groom next to a woman in a wedding dress. This also gives her a more edgy look. By changing the dominant ideologies of the institution of marriage she is no longer a little innocent girl. The dog also states that she is a country singer.

Friday 21 September 2012

Music Video Timeline






















It’s all up to you now
Find your self in the moment
Go directly to the voodoo

Now the channel is open


Lose your head
Lose control

You come on delicate and fine
Like a diamond in the mine
When you move into the light
You’re the greatest thing alive

And you sway in the moon
The way you did when
You were younger

When we told everybody

All you need is


Stay with the music let it

Play a little longer

You don’t need


All you need is now

Music no lyrics

Music no lyrics

Everybody’ gunning

For the VIP section

But you better up and running
In another direction

With your bones

In the flow

Cold shadow on the vine
But your lashes let it shine

Whoa o
Every moment that arrives
You’re the greatest thing alive

And you sway in the moon

The way you did

When you were younger

When we told everybody

All you need is now

Stay with the music let it
Play a little longer

You don’t need anybody

All you need is now

Music, No lyrics
All you need
All you need is now

Music, no lyrics

All you need

All you need is now
All you need is now
Now now now
Opening wide shot of the girls in the strong white lights
Low angle shot of the stage with the back lighting to make silhouettes of the 5 girls, cuts to side angle mid shots with flashing/strobe lighting to create the rock image/ feel
Wide shot of the stage and the girls
Close up of 1st girl’s face (Lead Singer)
Close up of 2nd girl’s face (drummer)
Close up of 3rd girl’s face(lead guitarist)
Close up of 4th girl’s face (Base)
Close up of 5th girl’s  face (Rhythm guitarist)
Wide shot of the band
Left side low angle Shot of models on the cat walk
Wide shot of girls on stage
Close up of the singer’s face

Close up on guitar
Close up of the singer’s mouth

Zoom out from singer’s close up to wide shot
Wide shot of the dressing room (made up in studio) (or at run way location*)
Shot on one girl doing her make up
Shot of an other girl doing stuff with her hair
Shot of a girl standing, in dressing room, putting on mascara?
Shot of a line of sparkly dresses (the clothes on the rack for the show)
Front mid CU Cat walk shot
Left angle of the model cat walk shot
Shot of one of the girls in the strong light on the stage
Shot of the shadow of the singer

Runway shot another angle form the collection
Wide shot zooming in slowly into singer
Close up of singer
Zoom out from singer
Backstage shots of the girls

Wide shot of stage

ECU of the mouth of the singer

Runway shots

Wide shot of the stage

ECU of the hands playing a keyboard

ECU of the guitar

Backstage shots of girls

Cat walk  shot right angle cut to medium CU same dress
Backstage girls

Medium CU shot of the singer

CU of the backstage girl putting the lipstick on her lips
Cat walk way shot

CU of the stage/ tight wide shot of the band performance
Cat walk front on shot of a dress the particularly shows off the thinness of a model
Another runway shot

The stage shot
ECU of the girl putting the mascara on her eyelashes
ECU of the singer
CU of another girl on stage
Runway shot
Shot the prettiest girl on the backstage putting the foundation on her face
Shot of the stage

Cat walk shot low angle right

Shot of the stage left side medium CU

Backstage girls (getting dressed)


The shot of the stage

ECU of the singer
Runway shot

Shot of the Backstage girls laughing and talking, drinking being a band
Performance shot

Cat walk shot
ECU of the face of the singer
Backstage girls almost with no make up on

Backstage girls brushing their hair with no make up on
Wide shot of the stage
MCU of the girl playing the drums
Keyboard CU
Backstage girls are absolutely undone.
Wide shot of the stage. Lights out


Story-Music Video

Intro, Story and How It Will Be Made FINAL and COMPLETE PDF Treatment

Friday 14 September 2012

Ideas that emerged from our pitch

After doing our pitch to Jason and Luck our pitch we realised that actually we were not making a strong enough statement about our point of view on the male gaze and that our story line was not very interesting. So we decided to use very strong imagery having the scenes in back stage being slightly gruesome to impact strongly on the audience and making people feeling uncomfortable.
By doing this we would show that voyeurism is wrong. We would also show that women do a lot to look good and that this is important in our society.

Friday 7 September 2012

Initial ideas for my music video

We are going to try and give the music video a retro image. We are going to have girls singing a boy band song. They are going to be dressed in an androgynous way with suits. There is going to be a 70is feel to the video. The boy band will be along the lines of The Beatles, Pinck Floyd, Elvis, Duran Duran, David Bowie… There will also be an element of narrative to the video but we don’t know yet what it will be.

Who I am and what I expect my A2 Media coursework to be like

Hello I am Ottavia I’m interested in theatre and would like to have a career as an actor. I am also interested by psychology and will be applying to universities for a course in psychology for next year. But I also really like media and film making so I decided to keep it as a subject till the end of my A levels.
I expect from my coursework to be challenging and at the same time enjoyable. I hope to learn a lot more about the music industry from it.

Why Piracy is Perpetuating Plastic Pop

Musicians are afraid to talk against piracy, as they get insulted as a result. For example when Lily Allen wrote that she disagreed with older successful artists who said that they were against online copyright enforcement as they had already made a lot of money in the past and it was normal that they weren’t to worried about not making so much more money, where as younger artists as a result of piracy would find it more difficult to make a living from their music alone. It has forced artists to extend the duration of their tours so that they can actually make money.
The fact that music can be so easily got for free completely changes the way that musicians approach their clients they have to produce music that they know is going to be a success and do all they can to please their potential customers so as to increase their chances of actually selling their music. This has caused a dramatic drop in creativity as most record labels push their artists are producing similar commercial/mainstream music to insure success.
I would make sure that the artist who’s product I’m promoting does not say anything about piracy so that he doesn’t get his/her potential customers upset and make them think that he is a “greedy rock star”.

The Formula for Future Music Business Models

In the presentation Michael Masnick gave in Cannes in January 2012 he discussed how Nine Inch Nails used a successful business strategy to make a lot of money without being affected by piracy. They connected with their fans by getting them involved in their music. For example on the back of their concert tee-shirt they put in colour certain letters in the names of the countries where they were performing these letters spelled the words “I am trying to believe”. The people who tipped this in the Internet found a site called “I am trying to believe” where Trent Reznor started an Alternative Reality Game where fans could win prises (e.g. concert tickets etc.). This helped him connect with fans, as they felt involved in his music. He would also drop USB sticks with some of his new music in the toilets of his concerts where his fans could find them and thus enhance his connection with fans. He would then give them reasons to bye his products by making them seem special or unique. This created a successful business model which can be summarised in this simple equation Connection with Fans (CwF) + Reason to bye (RtB) = The Business Model ($$$$)
This idea should impact the way the music industry functions immensely as in this time where people can download music for free on pirate sites the music industry should find many new diverse ways to get people to actually pay for music. They should also understand that it isn’t enough for a musician to simply create music any more it is extremely important for them to truly find a way to connect with their fans so as to get them really interested in what they create. It also shows that it isn’t just the price of the music that makes people pirate it but it also is the fact that people are not interested enough in the musician/band to actually be bothered to bye their music.
I would use this notion to insure that my clients are extremely interested in my product. I would create alternative reality games and scavenger hunts in order to boost their interest and help the artist connect with their fans. I would also add special features to my product (other then the actual music) that cannot be found for free on the Internet so as to give the client a real reason to bye the product.