Friday 7 September 2012

Why Piracy is Perpetuating Plastic Pop

Musicians are afraid to talk against piracy, as they get insulted as a result. For example when Lily Allen wrote that she disagreed with older successful artists who said that they were against online copyright enforcement as they had already made a lot of money in the past and it was normal that they weren’t to worried about not making so much more money, where as younger artists as a result of piracy would find it more difficult to make a living from their music alone. It has forced artists to extend the duration of their tours so that they can actually make money.
The fact that music can be so easily got for free completely changes the way that musicians approach their clients they have to produce music that they know is going to be a success and do all they can to please their potential customers so as to increase their chances of actually selling their music. This has caused a dramatic drop in creativity as most record labels push their artists are producing similar commercial/mainstream music to insure success.
I would make sure that the artist who’s product I’m promoting does not say anything about piracy so that he doesn’t get his/her potential customers upset and make them think that he is a “greedy rock star”.

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