Wednesday 26 September 2012

Analysing Caro Emerald’s album cover Deleted scenes from the cutting room

Expression: She is looking intensively to the side, signifying that she takes her music very seriously and that she really cares about it. Her look could also be interpreted as a femme fatale stair, dangerously sexy. We also connote by her posture and facial expression that she is a sophisticated and elegant woman.

Setting: she is sitting against a red background the only colours are black and red. This crates a retro image as it references to old-fashioned black and white photographs but done in a more modern way as she chose to use red instead of white. This signifies that her music will be slightly retro but with a hint of modern in it.

Costume: She is wearing a plain black low cut long-sleeved dress with tights. We can connote from this that the record company is making her look sexy (the low cut dress puts in evidence her cleavage) but not overly so as she is wearing tights. In other words she is looking elegantly sexy. She has a flower in her hair long curly hair signifying that she is not only an elegant woman but that she is also playful and fun. She has smoky eyes, which help enhance her sexy side.

Font: The album name is much bigger than the artist’s name as she is not yet famous enough to have her name sell her music. The album name is in simple and capital lettered showing that she is a real artist only interested in her music. Her first name is written using a cursive font signifying that she is a real person not just an artist.

Props: She only has a chair that she is sitting on signifying that there is nothing between her and her music. She is not a constructed synthetic artist she is an organic artist. 

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