Tuesday 4 December 2012

Mat and Luke's feedback on our first cut

Mat and Luke watched our video. They had a lot of very very use full feed back on what we should do to make it much much better.

We have a lot of shots that look good overall, however all the video becomes more interesting by the end, as the cuts are much more fast and this is more visually appealing. They suggested that we cut the longer shots so as to make video more dynamic!

They also said to us that shots work better when they are "grouped", e.g. when you can hear the base clearly you should have an ECU of the base guitarist hands playing, then of her face and finally move into a wide shot of her (all of these cuts should be fast). This makes the video less random as well as making it more dynamic. However, the downside to this is that we have to restart all of the editing from the beginning…

The modelling shots are very beautiful and extremely realistic. We therefore decided to use them more than we did in our rough cut. They work incredibly well in the ‘instrumental’ parts of our video so we will put most of them there.

Overall our music video is very visually pleasing and if we group our shots and add more modelling in it the video should look incredible!

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