Friday 30 November 2012

Strengths and Weaknesses of my rough cut

Example of a modelling shot
I think that certain parts of the video work very well and that I have edited them nearly perfectly on time. I also think that I have created a good contrast between some very fast cuts and some slower ones which fit in very well with the music. I also think that I have made good choices regarding what shots should be used and where they should be used to create a good effect. All of the band members look phenomenal and, even though it is still just a rough cut, I can already see that the video is going to look incredible!!! Sunshine is so good at mouthing the words to the song at the exact time which makes editing her shots very very easy.
However, due to the short amount of time we had to produce this cut I was not able to include any of the modelling shots and could only do the band shots. This was very frustrating for me as I would have preferred to add them in already so as to have a rough idea of to where they would have looked better. Also some of the shots are not edited on the beat or strait after a word of the song is finished which looks terrible. I would have to work on these shots a lot more so as to get them to be perfectly on time.
I still really am enjoying the process of editing as its incredible to finally be able to see the video slowly come to life... I really can not wait to have finished the rough cut and be able to start making it all perfect and perfectly on time!!!

1 comment:

  1. good, but try and be more specific about which shots you want to discuss - for example, a close up of or a wide shot. it is importnat to identify shot selection and the reasons for which you construct meaning. Try to identify technical vocabulary as well, for example use of the tool Blade to cut your shots in FCP.
