Friday 9 November 2012

Album Covers

Mina’s Studio Collection album cover inspires us because of the fashionable look of it and the contrast between her sad expression and the sparkly diamonds this is similar to the feel we want to create through our music video


We really like the the way in which the photographs on the album covers of Nouvelle vague’s album Nouvelle vague and the album Hollywood mon amour are edited. We are considering doing something similar with our album cover.

We also like the way the album cover of 3 by Nouvelle Vague is laid out and are also considering laying out our  album cover in a similar way and using a similar photo for ours.

We love the feeling of beauty and entrapment in the album cover of Goats Head Soup by The Rolling Stones. This links in very well with the themes that we are exploring in our music video.  
The way in which the photo is ‘layered’ in Waldeck’s album Ballroom Stories  creates an interesting effect that we might replicate in ours.  
The photograph and pose in the album cover Mina Straniera by Mina are at the same time elegant and disturbing, this links in with our themes and  we may do something similar for our album cover.

The album cover of Et si c’etait moi by La Grande Sophie  mixes a drawing and a photograph which creates an interesting effect that makes the album seem more appealing to art fans, who are part of our target audience.

The way in which the light is spited through Feist’s neck in her album cover The Reminder to create different strands of colour is also very artistic and could appeal to our target audience.  
The way the photo on the album cover All my friends died in a plane crash by Cocoon is spited in this album cover is very aesthetically pleasing   and we are thinking about doing something similar with ours.
The composition of the album cover Diva by Annie Lennox is very elegant, however we do not like how crowded the cover is and if we do something similar we will make it much less crowded.

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