Friday 2 November 2012

Risk assesment

What is the risk?
What’s the level of the risk?
How shall I mitigate the risk?
Steps into and out or the studio

Medium/large (weather dependant)

If it’s a wet day this hazard will be extremely dangerous as the steps will become very slippery. In addition to this the cast will be wearing heels so stepping is to be careful.

Dimly light the steps so people are able to hear them in the dark, also if it is wet we should provide a matt for people to wipe their feet with before entering the studio.



The majority of the studio lighting is going to be dark and so visibility of the floor is going to be impartial. With lots of cables lying across the floor, tripping up will be a big hazard.

To reduce this risk we should tape loose cables onto the floor using tape. This will fix them down.



Hot and temperamental. Standing lights can also be an obstruction.

This is mainly the technicians responsibility but we must make sure we question and report to people such as him if a problem occurs.

Camera and its equipment


Inexperienced people being around and interested in wanting to know what’s what. There will also be additional cables running to and from equipment like this.

Make sure we properly know how to use the equipment and then brief inexperienced people the safeties and to stay away from touching similar equipment.

Sound Desk


If people don’t know how to use it, due to lack of experience. It’s quite big as well.

Ensure it is safe and secure in the correct place. Question others who have experience with this technology if there are any queries.

Small space


With the stage and set all up in this area it will limit the amount of free room to move and work in. Especially with the addition of the equipment as well.

We will have to be aware of each other and make sure that everything is as tidy as possible to reduce the risk of the space becoming to busy and overcrowded. Cleaning up after one another will help a great deal.



Cast members and crew will all be confined within this area, filling it up and taking room.

Make sure everyone is prepared and knows what they are doing; inexperienced people are hazardous. To ensure that room isn’t being taken up unnecessarily knows what jobs and actions each person is doing.

Drinks / Liquids


Risk of there being a spillage onto equipment therefore ruining it or even breaking it. Also, if onto the floor it’s a risk for people walking about.

Try to avoid having any liquids in the studio at all unless it is absolutely necessary or for the shoot itself.


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