Friday 30 November 2012

Continuing the rough-cut

By doing my rough-cut I'm starting to realise just how hard it is going to be to finish my music video as it is so difficult to sync all the bits of the song together. As we chose to have three parts to our video
Full makeup (in the first part of the song)
Only lipstick (in the second part of the song)
No makeup (in the final part of the song)
it has made the editing process very long and difficult as we need to sink the shots for each ones of these 3 parts separately and to three different parts of the song!!! The first one was by far the easiest as it was done to a beat that we added to the beginning of the version of the song we are editing to and to the one that we played on the day. However for the two other parts there is no such beat so I had to find a beat in the song and then find the same beat in the film. This was not easy as it is a very repetitive song and it is extremely difficult to find the right beat. The hardest shots to sync are the ones with Anastasia (the drummer) because she is playing the drums it is hard to hear the music behind them and so syncing becomes even harder!!!! Furthermore, as we chose her only on the basis of looks, she can not actually play the drums so, very often, she is out of time; meaning that even if I sink her shots perfectly I will still have to move them around so that it looks like she actually knows what she is doing.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent comments and decision making in the editing process.
