Friday 11 January 2013

Task 1 Conventions in our music video

A Music Video is an excellent tool to promote the artist as well as the song there fore it is very common to use close-ups of the lead singer.  Having many close ups of the singer in our music video therefore conforms to the conventions of a music video as it helps create the sex symbol of the artist. You can see this in many different music videos (Girls Aloud Something New)

Our Music Video if filled with intertexual references to Robert Palmer’s video Addicted to love ; According to Pete Fraser and Steve Archer: Not all audiences will necessarily spot a reference and this need not significantly detract from their pleasure in the text itself, but grater pleasure might be delivered by those who recognise the reference and feel flattered by this.

We also used intertextual references to fashion for example the close-ups of shoes and the photo-shoot. This conforms to the conventions of music videos, as it is very common to reference fashion in music videos as the two industries are closely linked.

Our music video, similarly to Robert Palmers touches on the theme of voyeurism. The use of the male gaze is very prominent as it helps create a sexy star image for our band. This also conforms to the conventions of a music video, especially for female bands as it helps promote them to both a female and a male audience. The female audience would like the band as they would aspire to be as attractive as them and the male audience would look at the video as they are all attractive and sexy artists performing.

We used performance shots in our music video. This conforms to the conventions of music videos as, according to Pete Fraser and Steve Archer, the lip-synch close-up and the miming of playing instruments remains at the heart of music videos, as if to assure us that the band really can kick it. 

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