Thursday 29 March 2012

Audience Feedback

We collected feedback on our task from the students of the other classes. This is a summery of the main strengths and weaknesses of our thriller opening sequence.
Starting with the weaknesses, there were many things people liked about our sequence. The definite favourite is the car scene and how we shot it with the go pro cameras. People think that those angles are something special and differ from what others used.

Another often said strength is our good choice of actors. Obviously boys mentioned our “hot” actress Paula, which was exactly what we wanted to target with using her. Also the girls liked her and we succeeded in what we planned, because she has a powerful role of a woman and a nice appearance which girls look up to. The slow emotion hair flick added to our positive views on the actress because she made them look so good. People loved her slow emotion scenes and thought they showed her dangerous appearance and her sexiness very well.

In terms of camera use and editing the students thought of our different camera shots really well and thought we edited them together quite good. They mentioned that we edited the transitions well and they build the tension really well so everyone wanted to know how it is going to continue.

The other students were also supposed to mention our weaknesses. The weakness most people mentioned is that they got confused with the ending. They send that they weren’t sure if there was a gun shot in the end and that it didn’t come across that well. Some boys added that they would want to have more action. The problem why they got confused is that there is the door sound, which could also be a too quiet gun shot and if it was a gun sound the rest wouldn’t make any sense, but it isn’t.

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