Monday 26 March 2012

How my product represents particular social groups

We have chosen to represent men, women and policemen. We decided to break the stereotype of the ‘dumb blond’ by putting Paula in a position of power. However we didn’t want her to look ugly, as it would not attract a large audience so we chose to have her wearing a sexy and classy outfit and filmed her in slow motion. This goes against the stereotype that powerful women are butch. This conforms to the general conventions as it is expected to see women represented in an attractive way in a film. There are other thrillers that use strong female characters such as Salt, Hanna, The girl with the dragon Tattoo.  However, unlike our thriller the girl with the dragon tattoo chose to have a not so attractive female actress. Our main character is inspired from Angelina Jolie in Salt or in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. She is aiming to shoot a man that has arrived in a Land Rover and is wearing a suit. This implies that he is from upper class. The fact that she is about to shoot him goes against the stereotype that men from a wealthy background are more powerful then women. We chose to have a policeman entering in the room and stopping her from shooting him. This is a stereotypical representation of policemen as it shows them as interfering in crime. However, he is represented in an unorganised way as the lighting where warmer then the one you see Paula in. This shows that she is professional and organised and that he is unprofessional and unorganised. This puts her in a situation of power over him that goes against the stenotype.
I chose to represent men as being week so that the lead female character in comparison seems to be stronger. That creates a reverse binary opposition to the normal one of men being in position of power. This is an uncommon representation of gender as in most media products men are never represented as being weak so it subverts the stereotype.
Women in power tend to be represented in a negative light as generally people consider that women should stay at home with there children. We chose to show our lead actress in a positive light because we wanted to subvert this sexist dominant ideology.

Thrillers similar to mine:

I chose to represent men as being week so that the lead female character in comparison seems to be stronger. That creates a reverse binary opposition to the normal one of men being in position of power. This is an uncommon representation of gender as in most media products men are never represented as being weak so it subverts the stereotype.
Women in power tend to be represented in a negative light as generally people consider that women should stay at home with there children. We chose to show our lead actress in a positive light because we wanted to subvert this sexist dominant ideology.
A good example of successful women with good jobs represented negatively if they don’t have a man with them is the girls from Sex and the city as their life is always incomplete if they don’t have a man in it and are constantly looking for one.

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