Thursday 14 February 2013

Responces to our survey for our music video

We created a survey on Monkey survey about our music video, using a multiple question design. This enabled us to collect the data in  such a way that it is easy to analyse and represent it in a graph. We emailed it to members of our target audience.


From this data it is clear that most of the people who answered our questionnaire are females.

From this data we can see that all of these people who listened to our music video like pop music. However, some of them also like other types of music as well
All of the people who responded to our survey liked our music video, suggesting that we were able to create a music video that is appealing to our target audience.
All of them agreed that we represented the style of the music well through our video showing us that we were successful in creating a good pop video.
They also all agreed that we successfully chose our band members. This also shows us that we were able to create a good music video for our genre.
They generally tended to agreed that the cast represented the music genre well. Further ensuring us that we chose the right people for our music video.
Half of the people stated that they would like to watch the music video again.
For this we chose to allow them to write their answer as we could not formulate the question in a multiple choice question.However, this means that we can’t represent the data on a graph and we have to interpret what our audience is saying. From this question we realised that our audience did not fully understand our message, and we need to communicate it better through our other products.
From this we realised that a minority of our audience saw our music video as having a negative message. This was very interesting as we assumed that everyone would see our music video as being positive.

1 comment:

  1. Good feedback on Questionnaire's. You do need to reflect on your You Tube comments and statistics - This would be very helpful. This is a proficient start to task three. You need to ensure that you post evidence of responses and feedback from your questionnaires and the focus group that Gen ?has completed. Please ensure that you fully reflect on any comments from the research and address the question set fro task 3: What have I learned from my audience feedback.

    You also need to post Evaluation task two - this is outstanding and for the first week back after half term your prep is to Complete evaluation task three as an individual Prezi. You need to open up a Prezi account and use the tutorials to familiarise yourself with the software.
