Wednesday 31 October 2012

Shot list for our music video

Scene # Shot # Shot Size Duration Location Description
1(stage) 1 Wide 2 Studio wide shot of girls on stage performing on the instruments 
1 2 Wide 2 studio low angle shot of the stage with them playing instruments
1 3 CU 1 Studio CU of the lights flashing, strobe effect
1 4 Wide 2 Studio wide shot of girls on stage performing on the instruments 
1 5 CU 1 Studio CU of drummer's face
1 6 CU 1 Studio CU of base guitar's face
1 7 CU 1 Studio CU of keyboard player's face
1 8 CU 1 Studio CU of electric guitarist's face
1 9 CU 1 Studio CU of the singer's face
1 10 wide 1 Studio left side shot of band on stage performing
3(photo) 11 Mid shot 4 Studio models posing
1 12 Wide 2 Studio band performing
1 13 CU 2 Studio CU of singer's face
1 14 CU 1 Studio CU guitar
1 15 CU 3 Studio CU singer's mouth singing
1 16 CU/wide 4 Studio Zoom out from singer's CU to a wide shot
2(Bstage) 17 Wide 1 Studio wide shot of dressing room with girls getting ready
2 18 Mid shot 2 Studio Girl doing makeup
2 19 Mid shot 2 Studio Girl doing her hair
2 20 CU 2 Studio CU of the eyes, girl putting on mascara
2 21 Mid shot 2 Studio Shot of line of the sparkly dresses
3 22 CU 2 Studio CU of models faces
3 23 Mid shot 2 Studio Low angle shot of the model posing
1 24 Wide 3 Studio Wide shot of the girl pergorming on the stage with the strong lights
1 25 Wide 3 Studio Shot of the shadow of the singer
3 26 CU 3 Studio Feet of the model
1 27 Wide/CU 3 Studio Wide shot of the band, camera zooming into the singer
1 28 CU 2 Studio CU of the singer's face
1 29 CU/Wide 4 Studio Zoom out of the singer's face to wide shot
2 30 Wide 3 Studio Shots of the girls putting make up on/getting dressed
1 31 Wide 2 Studio Wide shot of the stage
1 32 ECU 2 Studio Ecu of the singer's mouth
3 33 wide 1 Studio models posing
3 34 wide 1 Studio models posing
3 35 wide 1 Studio models posing
3 36 wide 1 Studio models posing
1 37 wide 4 Studio Wide shot of the stage
1 38 ECU 3 Studio ecu of hands playing the keyboard
1 39 ECU 2 Studio ECU of the guitar
2 40 wide 4 Studio Girls doing makeup/ getting dressed
3 41 CU 1 Studio models posing
3 42 Mid shot 1 Studio models posing
3 43 wide 1 Studio models posing
1 44 cu 2 Studio CU of base guitar's hands
1 45 wide 3 Studio band performing
2 46 ECU 3 Studio Girl putting on lipstick
3 47 wide 2 Studio models posing
3 48 cu 1 Studio CU of face of model posing
1 49 CU 2 Studio CU of singers hands on mike
1 50 CU 2 Studio CU of drummer's hands
3 51 Wide 1 Studio models posing
3 52 Mid shot 1 Studio models posing
3 53 CU 1 Studio models posing
2 54 wide 2 Studio Girls doing makeup/ getting dressed
2 55 Mid shot 2 Studio Shot in the mirror of girl drying her hair
1 56 Mid shot 2 Studio mid shot of the drummer
2 57 ECU 2 Studio Girl putting eye shadow on
1 58 CU 2 Studio CU of singer's face
1 59 CU 2 Studio CU of keyboard player's face
3 60 ECU 1 Studio models posing
3 61 CU 1 Studio models posing
3 62 Mid shot 1 Studio models posing
3 63 Wide 1 Studio models posing
2 64 CU 2 Studio Girl putting blush on
1 65 wide 2 Studio Girls performing on stage
3 67 Wide 2 Studio models posing
3 68 CU 1 Studio models posing
1 69 wide 2 Studio Low andgle shot of stage from left
1 70 wide 2 Studio Low angle shot of stage from right
2 71 wide 1 Studio Girls doing makeup/ getting dressed
2 72 CU 2 Studio CU of makeup set and jewlery
3 73 Mid shot 1 Studio models posing
3 74 CU 2 Studio models posing
1 75 Wide shot 3 Studio High angle shot of the stage from the right
1 76 ECU 2 Studio Ecu of the singer's face singing
1 78 CU 1 Studio CU of the microphone
3 79 Wide 1 Studio models posing
3 80 Mid shot 1 Studio models posing
3 81 CU 2 Studio models posing
3 82 CU 1 Studio models posing
2 83 Mid shot 2 Studio Girls backstage laughing
2 84 CU 2 Studio Girls backstage talking and singing
1 85 Mid shot 4 Studio Mid shot of the guitarists and drummer
3 86 Wide 1 Studio Models posing
3 87 ECU 1 Studio models posing
3 88 Mid shot 1 Studio models posing
1 89 Wide shot 2 Studio Wide shot of the stage
1 90 CU 2 Studio CU of the keyboard
2 91 Mid shot 2 Studio Shot in the mirror of girls with almost no make up on
3 92 Wide shot 1 Studio models posing
3 93 CU 1 Studio models posing
3 94 Mid shot 1 Studio models posing
2 95 Wide shot 3 Studio Backstage girls brushin their hair; choosing the accessories
1 96 Wide shot 2 Studio Wide shot of the stage
1 97 MCU 3 Studio Medium CU od the drummer
1 98 CU 2 Studio CU of the keyboard player
2 99 Mid shot 2 Studio Mid shot of the girls almost undone just looking in the mirror at themselves
3 100 CU 1 Studio models posing
3 101 Wide shot 1 Studio models posing
1 102 Wide shot 1 Studio Wide shot of the stage
1 103 Mid shot 2 Studio Mid shot of the 
1 104 Wide shot 1 Studio Shot of the stage blacking out

Friday 19 October 2012

Digipack design

I wanted to create an album design that transmitted the idea that my band is concerned by how image influences women’s behaviour in a negative way.  So for the front cover I want to use the photograph of a band member with half of her face done up with very strong makeup and the side with no makeup whatsoever.   We chose to have the singer on the cover of the album as this conforms to the conventions of an album cover 
Front and back cover

Inside covers

Thursday 18 October 2012

Similar bands to our artist

A similar band to Duran Duran is Arcadia

Their album So Red the Rose has a very interesting cover. We would like to create a similar cover for our album as it creates an image of what conventionally should be beautiful but because of the way it is presented it looks very disturbing.

As we moved so far away from the original star image created by Duran Duran Arcadia does not really fit as a similar band to our artist. However I think that their album cover is really good and we could create something similar to it for our digipak.
A very similar band to ours is Destiny’s child as the whole meaning behind their band is strong and powerful women.

We would like to create a similar album cover. We would probably have our band members in similar poses but we would not have them smile because it ruins the ‘strength’ of the girls.  

An artist that has a similar image to the one that we are trying to create for our band is Caro Emerald as she has created a very retro and elegant look.
This album cover is really similar to the retro image that we want to create with our band, however, it does not focus on the main themes and issues that are being communicated through the band’s work.
Another album cover that gives a similar feel to the one we want to create is the one by the stunners as it is a group of girls dressed in a conventionally attractive way. This brings up one of our themes, the theme of voyeurism
 However for our album cover we are going to subtly distort this and make it look more disturbing way to show how these conventions and expectations are sometimes the cause of trouble and distress for many women.
Another band that has a simmilar image to ours is The Saturdays
Similarly to the Stunners they have created a conventionally beautiful and sexy star image.

However, in this album cover they have created an elegant, colourful, youthful and vibrant look which is very similar to the one we wish to create for our band. As it will help connect it to its target audience.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Star immage of our band

We are looking to create a high class  very fashionable look but at the same time we want our artists to look interesting , intelligent and politically socially involved; challenging social norms and conventions in a subtle way . We want to create a star image which would be a cross between the one of Caro Emerald and the one of a feminist. We cannot have our artist just purely being interested in a people’s place in society and not look good as it would reduce his audience. So we decided to give them a fashionably retro look.


Screen tests

We screen tested Amber to see what she would look like playing the guitar. Unfortunately we did not have a guitar at hand so we asked he to mime it to the music.

We screen tested Anastasia doing the same thing to see what she would look like

We screen tested Dayana miming playing the keyboard and dancing around


We were very pleased with how the screen tests went as all of the cast members present  looked incredible and were comfortable in front of a camera. We were not able to screen test all of them because some of the band members had their drama exam on but we will finish the screen testing after half term.


Cast list

Sunshine - Singer


Dayana - Keyboard player


Gabriella - Guitar or Drums


Amber - Guitar or Drums

Anastasia - Drums or Guitar

We chose these people because they are exactly what we are looking for the band members  they are tall skinny and beautiful

Lyrics to Duran Duran’s song All you need is now  
It's all up to you now
find yourself in the moment
go directly to the voodoo
now the channel is open
lose your head
lose control
you come on delicate and fine
like a diamond in the mine

oh who o

when you move into the light
you're the great thing alive

oh whoa o

and you sway in the moon
the way you did when you were younger
when we told everybody
all you need is now

stay with the music let it
play a little longer
you don't need anybody
all you need is now

everybody's gunning
for the v.i.p. section
but your better up and running
in another direction
with your bones in the flow
cold shadow on the vine
but your lashes let it shine

whoa o

every moment that arrives
you're the greatest thing alive

oh whoa o

and you sway in the moon
the way you did when you were younger
and we told eveybody
all you need is now

stay with the music let it
play a little longer
we don't need anybody
all you need is now

all you need all you need is now

all you need all you need is now

all you need all you need is now

and we will sway in the moon
the way we did when we were younger
(when we were younger)
when we told everbody
all you need is now

stay with the music let it
play a little longer
(a little longer)
we don't need anybody
all you need is now

Here is a link to the song


Target audience for my artist

We are going to aim our video at young woman aged 16 to 22. Our secondary audience will be older woman aged 35 to women in their 40s, house wives who want to be young again. They will be generally feminist fashionistas.

Psychographic Segmentation of our audience

Using the teenaged VALS we decided that they would be

Rebels: Who wish to remake the world in their own image 

Trendies: They crave attention and admiration of their peers

Utopians: Who want the world to be a better place

This is because in our music video we will be going against the social expectations on woman's appearance.

Using the VALS we also defined who our target audience would be

Actualisers: Successful, sophisticated, ‘take charge’ people with high self-esteem. They are interested in their own development and expressing themselves. Image important, not as evidence of status or power but as an expression of their independence and character. They are concerned with social issues. Their possessions and recreation reflect a cultivated taste for the finer things in life. Likely to be established or emerging leaders in business and government.

Experiencers: Young, enthusiastic, impulsive and rebellious. They seek variety and excitement, looking for the new, the offbeat and the risky. Still formulating life values and patterns of behavior they quickly become enthusiastic about new possibilities but are just as quick to cool. They hold an awe for others’ wealth, prestige and power. They find outlets in sport, outdoor activities and social activities. They are avid consumers and spend much of their income on clothing, music and film.

Demographic segmentation for our audience
Using the JINCARS scale our audience would be:
A  - higher management/ administration/ professional

B  - middle management/ administration

E  - subsistence income/ pensioners/ widows/ casual labor/ unemployed
We are generally aiming our product to wealthy people but it could also reach less wealthy people who aspire to be richer, more high class

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Duran Duran's target audience

Duran Duran is an English band formed in the late 70s in Birmingham. They were one of the most successful bands in the 80s. Since then they have placed 14 singles on the top 10 UK single chart and 21 in the Billboard hot 100. According to the Sunday Mercury they have sold over 100 million records.
Their target audience has significantly shifted from then till now. They started off aiming their music to a mainstream audience and they now aim it towards people aged of approximately 55. This can be seen in this bar chart showing the audience who bought their new album all you need is now. 

This audience is probably the same one who originally listened to their album in the 80s and has remained fateful to the band

Organisation of Props and Costumes for the shoot day

Here is a list I have created to orgenise the props and costumes we need for ou shoot day on the 21st of November

Evaluating the importance of storyboarding and filming our animatic

Storyboarding is essential as it gives you a clearer idea of where you are going with your video. It also makes you realise exactly what you are going to need for your shoot. The filming and editing of the animatic continues this process in a more complete way as it gives you a general idea what your video is going to look like when it is finished. It also gives you a clearer idea of how many shots are actually going to be needed as you edit it in time with the music. While doing our animatic we realised that we actually did not have enough shots to fill in all the song so we reused some of our shots in it.

Our animatic and storyboarding helped us realise that in our video there is a recurring reference to fashion and femininity. This brings up an important theme and issue, the one of self-image. This will help us connect better with our teenaged female audience, as it is common, for teenaged girls, to feel un-confortable with their newly acquired femininity and their slow discovery of societies expectations of woman (e.g. to be beautiful a woman needs to ware makeup). We will be subverting this dominant ideologies and social norms in our music video by ending it with our band artists performing, at the end of the video, without any makeup on. Through our narrative we also helped to develop the star image of our band. It is a fashionable group of girls but they disagree with social norms on beauty. In a way our band members are rebelling against the norms society sets for women, they could be seen as a new sort of feminists.

What went really well in the developing of our animatic is that we were able to see that the song we chose has a fast pace allowing us to make quick cuts and use many different shots. We also now have a much clearer idea of what we want to do with our music video.

Our Animatic  

Thursday 4 October 2012

Sketches of our set design and the outcome of our editorial meeting

Set one

We chose to have the performance on an elevated “wedding cake” style stage. We discussed this extensively as it could be difficult to film the performance on it as we would have to stand further back and the studio is a small space. So we came up with the alternative idea of having the band on a similar stage but instead of the stage being a circle it would be a semicircle and it would be attached to the wall.

This is the first idea for our stage

This is the other option for our stage

As a result of our editorial meeting with Luke we came to the conclusion that the semi circle stage was much better and easer to film in the space we chose (the studio)

Set two

We decided to change the idea of the catwalk to a photo shoot as it is easer to create in a professional looking way.

As a result of our editorial meeting we realised that it would be impossible to film 3 different sets in one day in the studio so we will have the photo shoot on the same stage as the performance.

Set three

We are filming back stage in the studio we will have very professional looking makeup kits, mirrors with light bulbs, clothes rails, makeup chairs. All of this to create a girly, ‘pretty’, clean and professional atmosphere.

Side view

Front view

This idea was agreed on by Luke but he warned us that it would take a long time to choreography it so that it looks neat and professional as it is easy for backstage scenes to look messy and unprofessional which would no go with the image that we are trying to create.

Costume and makeup for our music video

Costume Photos

We decided to have a marked contrast between the elegance of the suites, the strong makeup and the simplicity of the white t-shirt and nude makeup. This shows that performance makes people change and look conventionally attractive in a showy by wearing a lot of makeup and perfect/expensive looking costumes; when actually the band members are beautiful women who don’t need to where such crazy costumes and make up to look attractive as just a simple look is sufficient for them to look beautiful. We are doing this to go against the convention of crazy costume and makeup in music videos hoping that this will help our audience understand that you don’t need to do a lot to your self to look attractive