Thursday 4 October 2012

Sketches of our set design and the outcome of our editorial meeting

Set one

We chose to have the performance on an elevated “wedding cake” style stage. We discussed this extensively as it could be difficult to film the performance on it as we would have to stand further back and the studio is a small space. So we came up with the alternative idea of having the band on a similar stage but instead of the stage being a circle it would be a semicircle and it would be attached to the wall.

This is the first idea for our stage

This is the other option for our stage

As a result of our editorial meeting with Luke we came to the conclusion that the semi circle stage was much better and easer to film in the space we chose (the studio)

Set two

We decided to change the idea of the catwalk to a photo shoot as it is easer to create in a professional looking way.

As a result of our editorial meeting we realised that it would be impossible to film 3 different sets in one day in the studio so we will have the photo shoot on the same stage as the performance.

Set three

We are filming back stage in the studio we will have very professional looking makeup kits, mirrors with light bulbs, clothes rails, makeup chairs. All of this to create a girly, ‘pretty’, clean and professional atmosphere.

Side view

Front view

This idea was agreed on by Luke but he warned us that it would take a long time to choreography it so that it looks neat and professional as it is easy for backstage scenes to look messy and unprofessional which would no go with the image that we are trying to create.


  1. Proficient blogging of planning of your production. You need to blog prop list and detail to mise en scene though this is partly met by the set design. I would like to see more links between real media products and your own or at least to reference the practice of storyboarding for example or the importance of mise en scene which should be linked to set design. I feel that you are making progress but I would still like to see more detail to your blogging which will help you make more of an informed choice about your coursework . I do feel that you need to make more links to real media examples in your work.

  2. Can you please post an evaluation of your storyboard and animatic asap after your drama exam. Thank you
