Wednesday 31 October 2012

Shot list for our music video

Scene # Shot # Shot Size Duration Location Description
1(stage) 1 Wide 2 Studio wide shot of girls on stage performing on the instruments 
1 2 Wide 2 studio low angle shot of the stage with them playing instruments
1 3 CU 1 Studio CU of the lights flashing, strobe effect
1 4 Wide 2 Studio wide shot of girls on stage performing on the instruments 
1 5 CU 1 Studio CU of drummer's face
1 6 CU 1 Studio CU of base guitar's face
1 7 CU 1 Studio CU of keyboard player's face
1 8 CU 1 Studio CU of electric guitarist's face
1 9 CU 1 Studio CU of the singer's face
1 10 wide 1 Studio left side shot of band on stage performing
3(photo) 11 Mid shot 4 Studio models posing
1 12 Wide 2 Studio band performing
1 13 CU 2 Studio CU of singer's face
1 14 CU 1 Studio CU guitar
1 15 CU 3 Studio CU singer's mouth singing
1 16 CU/wide 4 Studio Zoom out from singer's CU to a wide shot
2(Bstage) 17 Wide 1 Studio wide shot of dressing room with girls getting ready
2 18 Mid shot 2 Studio Girl doing makeup
2 19 Mid shot 2 Studio Girl doing her hair
2 20 CU 2 Studio CU of the eyes, girl putting on mascara
2 21 Mid shot 2 Studio Shot of line of the sparkly dresses
3 22 CU 2 Studio CU of models faces
3 23 Mid shot 2 Studio Low angle shot of the model posing
1 24 Wide 3 Studio Wide shot of the girl pergorming on the stage with the strong lights
1 25 Wide 3 Studio Shot of the shadow of the singer
3 26 CU 3 Studio Feet of the model
1 27 Wide/CU 3 Studio Wide shot of the band, camera zooming into the singer
1 28 CU 2 Studio CU of the singer's face
1 29 CU/Wide 4 Studio Zoom out of the singer's face to wide shot
2 30 Wide 3 Studio Shots of the girls putting make up on/getting dressed
1 31 Wide 2 Studio Wide shot of the stage
1 32 ECU 2 Studio Ecu of the singer's mouth
3 33 wide 1 Studio models posing
3 34 wide 1 Studio models posing
3 35 wide 1 Studio models posing
3 36 wide 1 Studio models posing
1 37 wide 4 Studio Wide shot of the stage
1 38 ECU 3 Studio ecu of hands playing the keyboard
1 39 ECU 2 Studio ECU of the guitar
2 40 wide 4 Studio Girls doing makeup/ getting dressed
3 41 CU 1 Studio models posing
3 42 Mid shot 1 Studio models posing
3 43 wide 1 Studio models posing
1 44 cu 2 Studio CU of base guitar's hands
1 45 wide 3 Studio band performing
2 46 ECU 3 Studio Girl putting on lipstick
3 47 wide 2 Studio models posing
3 48 cu 1 Studio CU of face of model posing
1 49 CU 2 Studio CU of singers hands on mike
1 50 CU 2 Studio CU of drummer's hands
3 51 Wide 1 Studio models posing
3 52 Mid shot 1 Studio models posing
3 53 CU 1 Studio models posing
2 54 wide 2 Studio Girls doing makeup/ getting dressed
2 55 Mid shot 2 Studio Shot in the mirror of girl drying her hair
1 56 Mid shot 2 Studio mid shot of the drummer
2 57 ECU 2 Studio Girl putting eye shadow on
1 58 CU 2 Studio CU of singer's face
1 59 CU 2 Studio CU of keyboard player's face
3 60 ECU 1 Studio models posing
3 61 CU 1 Studio models posing
3 62 Mid shot 1 Studio models posing
3 63 Wide 1 Studio models posing
2 64 CU 2 Studio Girl putting blush on
1 65 wide 2 Studio Girls performing on stage
3 67 Wide 2 Studio models posing
3 68 CU 1 Studio models posing
1 69 wide 2 Studio Low andgle shot of stage from left
1 70 wide 2 Studio Low angle shot of stage from right
2 71 wide 1 Studio Girls doing makeup/ getting dressed
2 72 CU 2 Studio CU of makeup set and jewlery
3 73 Mid shot 1 Studio models posing
3 74 CU 2 Studio models posing
1 75 Wide shot 3 Studio High angle shot of the stage from the right
1 76 ECU 2 Studio Ecu of the singer's face singing
1 78 CU 1 Studio CU of the microphone
3 79 Wide 1 Studio models posing
3 80 Mid shot 1 Studio models posing
3 81 CU 2 Studio models posing
3 82 CU 1 Studio models posing
2 83 Mid shot 2 Studio Girls backstage laughing
2 84 CU 2 Studio Girls backstage talking and singing
1 85 Mid shot 4 Studio Mid shot of the guitarists and drummer
3 86 Wide 1 Studio Models posing
3 87 ECU 1 Studio models posing
3 88 Mid shot 1 Studio models posing
1 89 Wide shot 2 Studio Wide shot of the stage
1 90 CU 2 Studio CU of the keyboard
2 91 Mid shot 2 Studio Shot in the mirror of girls with almost no make up on
3 92 Wide shot 1 Studio models posing
3 93 CU 1 Studio models posing
3 94 Mid shot 1 Studio models posing
2 95 Wide shot 3 Studio Backstage girls brushin their hair; choosing the accessories
1 96 Wide shot 2 Studio Wide shot of the stage
1 97 MCU 3 Studio Medium CU od the drummer
1 98 CU 2 Studio CU of the keyboard player
2 99 Mid shot 2 Studio Mid shot of the girls almost undone just looking in the mirror at themselves
3 100 CU 1 Studio models posing
3 101 Wide shot 1 Studio models posing
1 102 Wide shot 1 Studio Wide shot of the stage
1 103 Mid shot 2 Studio Mid shot of the 
1 104 Wide shot 1 Studio Shot of the stage blacking out

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