Wednesday 17 October 2012

Target audience for my artist

We are going to aim our video at young woman aged 16 to 22. Our secondary audience will be older woman aged 35 to women in their 40s, house wives who want to be young again. They will be generally feminist fashionistas.

Psychographic Segmentation of our audience

Using the teenaged VALS we decided that they would be

Rebels: Who wish to remake the world in their own image 

Trendies: They crave attention and admiration of their peers

Utopians: Who want the world to be a better place

This is because in our music video we will be going against the social expectations on woman's appearance.

Using the VALS we also defined who our target audience would be

Actualisers: Successful, sophisticated, ‘take charge’ people with high self-esteem. They are interested in their own development and expressing themselves. Image important, not as evidence of status or power but as an expression of their independence and character. They are concerned with social issues. Their possessions and recreation reflect a cultivated taste for the finer things in life. Likely to be established or emerging leaders in business and government.

Experiencers: Young, enthusiastic, impulsive and rebellious. They seek variety and excitement, looking for the new, the offbeat and the risky. Still formulating life values and patterns of behavior they quickly become enthusiastic about new possibilities but are just as quick to cool. They hold an awe for others’ wealth, prestige and power. They find outlets in sport, outdoor activities and social activities. They are avid consumers and spend much of their income on clothing, music and film.

Demographic segmentation for our audience
Using the JINCARS scale our audience would be:
A  - higher management/ administration/ professional

B  - middle management/ administration

E  - subsistence income/ pensioners/ widows/ casual labor/ unemployed
We are generally aiming our product to wealthy people but it could also reach less wealthy people who aspire to be richer, more high class

1 comment:

  1. Excellent profiling - would be developed further with the use of images and consider a secondary market as well you seem to be targeting an AB1 market - which is often a very small section of the music markets in the UK. Should you also consider perhaps a younger/ teen market or youth culture as well?
