Thursday 18 October 2012

Similar bands to our artist

A similar band to Duran Duran is Arcadia

Their album So Red the Rose has a very interesting cover. We would like to create a similar cover for our album as it creates an image of what conventionally should be beautiful but because of the way it is presented it looks very disturbing.

As we moved so far away from the original star image created by Duran Duran Arcadia does not really fit as a similar band to our artist. However I think that their album cover is really good and we could create something similar to it for our digipak.
A very similar band to ours is Destiny’s child as the whole meaning behind their band is strong and powerful women.

We would like to create a similar album cover. We would probably have our band members in similar poses but we would not have them smile because it ruins the ‘strength’ of the girls.  

An artist that has a similar image to the one that we are trying to create for our band is Caro Emerald as she has created a very retro and elegant look.
This album cover is really similar to the retro image that we want to create with our band, however, it does not focus on the main themes and issues that are being communicated through the band’s work.
Another album cover that gives a similar feel to the one we want to create is the one by the stunners as it is a group of girls dressed in a conventionally attractive way. This brings up one of our themes, the theme of voyeurism
 However for our album cover we are going to subtly distort this and make it look more disturbing way to show how these conventions and expectations are sometimes the cause of trouble and distress for many women.
Another band that has a simmilar image to ours is The Saturdays
Similarly to the Stunners they have created a conventionally beautiful and sexy star image.

However, in this album cover they have created an elegant, colourful, youthful and vibrant look which is very similar to the one we wish to create for our band. As it will help connect it to its target audience.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent thoughtful post which links real media products from the genre of music that you are working in and more importantly focused on the target audience that constitutes your market. You also attempt to consider the market and the star image you want to construct, perhaps you could link this to the work of Dyer?
