Tuesday 16 October 2012

Evaluating the importance of storyboarding and filming our animatic

Storyboarding is essential as it gives you a clearer idea of where you are going with your video. It also makes you realise exactly what you are going to need for your shoot. The filming and editing of the animatic continues this process in a more complete way as it gives you a general idea what your video is going to look like when it is finished. It also gives you a clearer idea of how many shots are actually going to be needed as you edit it in time with the music. While doing our animatic we realised that we actually did not have enough shots to fill in all the song so we reused some of our shots in it.

Our animatic and storyboarding helped us realise that in our video there is a recurring reference to fashion and femininity. This brings up an important theme and issue, the one of self-image. This will help us connect better with our teenaged female audience, as it is common, for teenaged girls, to feel un-confortable with their newly acquired femininity and their slow discovery of societies expectations of woman (e.g. to be beautiful a woman needs to ware makeup). We will be subverting this dominant ideologies and social norms in our music video by ending it with our band artists performing, at the end of the video, without any makeup on. Through our narrative we also helped to develop the star image of our band. It is a fashionable group of girls but they disagree with social norms on beauty. In a way our band members are rebelling against the norms society sets for women, they could be seen as a new sort of feminists.

What went really well in the developing of our animatic is that we were able to see that the song we chose has a fast pace allowing us to make quick cuts and use many different shots. We also now have a much clearer idea of what we want to do with our music video.

Our Animatic  

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